Auro Digital API


The Auro Digital API employs WebSockets for communication between the front-end and back-end services, allowing real-time data exchange. For developers aiming to programmatically interact with Auro Digital, a direct WebSocket connection to the back-end service can be established.

Please note, this API was initially designed for internal use, primarily for front-end development. Therefore, it may possess some complex payloads. Furthermore, it is subject to potential changes based on the evolving needs of the front-end application.

Connection Details

Base URL

Assuming your Auro Digital URL is, your corresponding WebSocket URL would be: wss://

The backend service adheres to the same IP whitelist policies as the front-end service. If you need to add (static) IP addresses to the whitelist, please contact our support team.


Auro Digital Pricing`

JSON-RPC Schemagit

Name Type Description
jsonrpc string Only "2.0" is supported
id string This will be echoed back in responses or subscription payloads
method string Establishing the specific API to connect to. Documented below
params string Details regarding the specific API call. Documented below



Subscribe to a pair. Returns updates on all metrics of that pair on the given exchanges as well as consolidated order books and other metrics across the given exchanges.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "6c1985bf-80ad-4bbc-86d0-6e682cdb764d",
    "method": "subscribe_get_pair",
    "params": {
        "pair": "BTC/USD",
        "exchanges": [


Name Type Description
pair string The normalized symbol.
exchange array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "6c1985bf-80ad-4bbc-86d0-6e682cdb764d",
    "result": {
        "pair": "BTC/USD",
        "exchanges": [
        "order_book": {
            "columns": [
            "bids": [
            "asks": [
            "commission": 0.0,
            "timestamps": {
                "coinbasepro": 1600246762328
            "done_at": [
            "time_elapsed_after": [
                        "coinbasepro": 932
        "other_info": [
                "title": "Liquidity Metrics",
                "columns": [
                "values": [
        "is_inverse": false,
        "time": 1600246763302


Name Type Description
pair string The normalized symbol.
exchange array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
order_book object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
-- columns array of string Description of the format in bids and asks.
-- bids array of string or number Bids aggregated across the specified exchanges.
-- asks array of string or number Asks aggregated across the specified exchanges.
-- commission number The administrator-defined fee that is applied on the order book prices.
-- timestamps number Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
-- done_at array of string or number Internal data structure. Please do not rely on this.
-- time_elapsed_after array of string or number Internal data structure. Please do not rely on this.
other_info array of object Internal data structure. Please do not rely on this.
is_inverse boolean Whether this is an inverse futures contract.
time number The Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) when the data in this payload is fetched.


feed of best bid and ask values for a specified crypto pair on the provided Liquidity venue(s).

"id": "b1b61f11-d34b-408b-ba46-cd6c1907252b",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "get_tickers",
"params": {

    "pair": "ETH/BTC",
    "exchanges": ["okx-new_test"]



Name Type Description
pair string The normalized symbol.
exchange array of object A list of cryptocurrency liquidity venue to use.
"id": "b1b61f11-d34b-408b-ba46-cd6c1907252b",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
    "best_bid": {
    "price": 0.06296,
    "size": 86.378417,
    "exchange": "okx-new_test",
    "timestamp": 1691055448
"display_name": "okx-new_test"


Name Type Description
best_bid Object Contains the best bid data.(price,size,exchange,timestamps).
exchange array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.


Use the get_all_markets method to retrieve a list of all available exchanges and trading symbols. Please note, changes in the availability of symbols on the exchanges may not be immediately reflected in the response, so we recommend calling this method periodically.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "22ad7310-b318-4eee-8618-b3c47ca2f225",
    "method": "get_all_markets"


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "22ad7310-b318-4eee-8618-b3c47ca2f225",
    "result": [
            "type": "SPOT",
            "normalized_symbol": "BTC/USDT",
            "exchange_id": "binance",
            "base": "BTC",
            "quote": "USDT",
            "is_inverse": false


Name Type Description
type string SPOT or FUTURES.
normalized_symbol string The unique identifier for a symbol in Access.
exchange_id string The name of the exchange as configured by your administrator.
base string The base currency.
quote string The quote currency.
is_inverse boolean Whether this is an inverse futures contract.


get all active orders

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "c407195b-4c35-483d-93f5-798b391dc710",
    "method": "get_algo_executions",
    "params": {
        "start_time": "2018-09-07T16:00:00.000Z",
        "end_time": "2020-09-07T16:00:00.000Z",
        "filters": [
                "exchange_id": "coinbasepro",
                "normalized_symbol": "BTC/USD"
        "algos_only": false,
        "status": "ALL"


Name Type Description
start_time timestamp A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
end_time timestamp The amount of the Auro Digital Trading order.
exchange_id string The price of the Auro Digital Trading order.
normalized_symbol string Start datetime of algo processing
algo_only Boolean End datetime of algo processing
status string Staus of order that we want("OPEN", "CLOSE", "ALL")
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "c407195b-4c35-483d-93f5-798b391dc710",
    "result": {
        "executions": [
                "id": 7333,
                "name": null,
                "algo_type": "LMT",
                "status": "CLOSED",
                "data": {
                    "pair": "BTC/USD",
                    "side": "sell",
                    "price": "9150",
                    "volume": "0.01",
                    "end_time": "2020-07-16T08:05:52.785000+00:00",
                    "exchange": "coinbasepro",
                    "start_time": "2020-07-16T07:06:58.104273+00:00",
                    "active_order_path": [
                    "active_order_amount": "0.01",
                    "canceled_order_paths": []
                "start_time": 1594883218000,
                "end_time": 1594886752000,
                "exchanges": [
                        "exchange_id": "coinbasepro",
                        "side": "sell"
                "pairs": [
                        "pair": "BTC/USD",
                        "side": "sell"
                "side": "sell",
                "price": 9150.0,
                "price_net": 9150.0,
                "volume": 0.01,
                "leg_room": null,
                "slippage": null,
                "filled": 0.01,
                "average": 9156.02,
                "average_net": 9156.02,
                "updated_at": 1594883227000


Name Type Description
id number The ID of the Auro Digital Trading order.
name null Currently unused field.
algo_type string Abbreviated order type.
status string Status of the algo execution.
data object Internal data structure, please avoid relying on this.
pair string The normalized symbol.
side string The side of the trade (buy or sell).
price number The price of the Auro Digital Trading order.
volume number The amount of the Auro Digital Trading order.
start_time timestamp Start datetime of algo processing
end_time timestamp End datetime of algo processing
exchange string The name of the exchange as configured by your administrator.
active_order_path list Currently working orders
active_order_amount string Amount of those orders
canceled_order_paths list Orders canceled by this Algorithm
start_time number Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
end_time number or null Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
exchange array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
exchange_id string The name of the exchange as configured by your administrator.
side string buy or sell.
pairs array of object A list of normalized symbols.
pair string buy or sell.
side string buy or sell.
price number The price of the Auro Digital Trading order.
price_net number or null The price, net of a fixed commission (if configured).
volume number The amount of the Auro Digital Trading order.
leg_room number or null Price adjustment before sending an order to the exchange.
slippage number or null Slippage, if applicable.
filled number The filled amount of the Auro Digital Trading order.
average number The average price of the filled amount.
average_net number or null The average price, net of a fixed commission (if configured).
updated_at number Unix timestamp in milliseconds.


The place_orders method allows you to place LIMIT orders on an exchange.

A LIMIT order is an order to buy or sell a cryptocurrency at a specific price or better. It allows you to set a precise price at which you want to trade.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "6c44a8f0-8196-40d0-8f39-620710bae10f",
  "method": "place_orders",
  "params": {
    "orders": [
        "pair": "BTC/USD",
        "side": "BUY",
        "price": 1234,
        "volume": 0.01,
        "exchange": "coinbasepro",
        "end_time": "2020-09-10T10:44:02.187Z"


Name Type Description
pair string The trading pair, represented as a normalized symbol
side string Indicates whether you want to "buy" or "sell".
price number Specifies the price at which you want to execute the order.
volume number Represents the amount (in base currency) you want to order.
exchange string The identifier of the exchange where the order will be placed, as configured by your administrator.
end_time timestamp The time at which the order will expire if not fulfilled.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "6c44a8f0-8196-40d0-8f39-620710bae10f",
    "result": "ok"


Name Type Description
result string Confirmation of request. “ok“ indicates positive confirmation.
Negative confirmation will display an “error” field instead of “result”


get all balances for the given exchanges.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "6c1985bf-80ad-4bbc-86d0-6e682cdb764d",
    "method": "get_balances",
    "params": {
        "pair": "BTC/USD",
        "exchanges": ["coinbasepro"],
        "from_mid_agg": 0,
        "cutoff": 1


Name Type Description
pair string The normalized symbol.
exchanges array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
from_mid_agg number Filter for Consolidated Orderbooks
cutoff number Filter for Consolidated Orderbooks
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "6c1985bf-80ad-4bbc-86d0-6e682cdb764d",
    "result": {
        "pair": "BTC/USD",
        "exchanges": ["coinbasepro"],
        "balances": {
            "coinbasepro": {
                "BTC": {
                    "free": 215.52433665,
                    "used": 0,
                    "total": 215.52433665
                "ETH": {
                    "free": 883.80160773,
                    "used": 0,
                    "total": 883.80160773
                "USD": {
                    "free": 363332.4740171202,
                    "used": 0,
                    "total": 363332.4740171202
                "USDC": {
                    "free": 70000.0,
                    "used": 0,
                    "total": 70000.0
        "is_inverse": false,
        "time": 1600246763302


Name Type Description
pair string The normalized symbol.
exchanges array of object A list of cryptocurrency exchanges to use.
balances object The balances on the exchanges configured by your administrator.
exchange_id (as key) object The name of the exchange as configured by your administrator.
currency_id (as key) object The currency ID.
free number Money available for trading.
used number Money on hold due to e.g., open orders.
total number free + used.
is_inverse boolean Whether this is an inverse futures contract.
time number The Unix timestamp (in milliseconds) when the data in this payload is fetched.


This document outlines the APIs used to fetch quotes and place orders for token swaps on decentralized exchanges (DEX). The supported algorithm type is SWAP, and the response contains information on the price and slippage.

Base URL

Assuming your Auro Digital URL is, your corresponding WebSocket URL would be: wss://

The backend service adheres to the same IP whitelist policies as the front-end service. If you need to add (static) IP addresses to the whitelist, please contact our support team.


Name Type Description
jsonrpc string Only "2.0" is supported
id string This will be echoed back in responses or subscription payloads
method string Establishing the specific API to connect to. Documented below
params string Details regarding the specific API call. Documented below

place_order_pre_processing_dex (Fetch Quotes)

This API is used to fetch token swap quotes for a given trading pair.

    "id": "595d4d5a-fb97-4577-9a0d-edcee13a5e5e",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "place_order_pre_processing_dex",
    "params": {
        "pair": "USDC/SOL",
        "side": "SELL",
        "amount": 1,
        "exchange_ids": [
        "type": "SPOT",
        "unit": "USDC",
        "slippage": 1,
        "algo_type": "SWAP",
        "price": 0


Name Type Description
jsonrpc string Only "2.0" is supported
id string This will be echoed back in responses or subscription payloads
method string Establishing the specific API to connect to. Documented below
params string Details regarding the specific API call. Documented below
params.pair string Trading pair (e.g., "USDC/SOL"), specifying the assets involved in the trade
params.side string The side of the order: "BUY" or "SELL"
params.amount number The amount of the base currency to trade
params.type string The type of trade: "SPOT"
params.unit string Denomination of the base amount
params.slippage number Maximum allowed slippage percentage
params.algo_type string Type of algorithm used for the trade. In this case, "SWAP" for decentralized swaps
params.price number Price limit for the trade (set to 0 for swap orders)


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "595d4d5a-fb97-4577-9a0d-edcee13a5e5e",
    "result": {
        "base_amount": 1.0,
        "quote_amount": 0.006358516993544726,
        "usd_amount": 1.00008225440979,
        "usd_base_amount": 1.00008225440979,
        "usd_quote_amount": 0.9864042430477954,
        "contract_amount": "1.0000",
        "conversion_price_source": "yahoo finance",
        "plan": [
                "exchange": "BNB",
                "exchange_id": "dex-bnb.admin",
                "step_price": null,
                "step_volume": null,
                "path": [
                "base_amount": 0.1,
                "quote_amount": 0.0006374346561208406,
                "gas_amount": 0.0,
                "gas_unit": "BNB",
                "percent": 10,
                "allAmounts": [
                "tokenPathAddresses": [
                "slippage": "1.0000",
                "volume": "0.1000",
                "price": "0.0064",
                "unit": "USDC",
                "unit_volume": "0.1000",
                "transaction_amount": "0.1000",
                "transaction_unit": "USDC",
                "base": {
                    "unit": "USDC",
                    "volume": 0.1
                "quote": {
                    "unit": "SOL",
                    "volume": 0.0006374346561208406
                "usd_volume": "0.1000"
            // More plan items here...
        "total_volume": "1.0000"
Name Type Description
jsonrpc string The JSON-RPC version, typically "2.0".
id string The ID from the request, echoed back in the response.
result object Contains the results of the fetch quotes operation.
result.base_amount number The base amount specified for the quote.
result.quote_amount number The amount of the quote currency corresponding to the base amount.
result.usd_amount number The equivalent amount in USD for the base amount.
result.usd_base_amount number The USD equivalent of the base amount.
result.usd_quote_amount number The USD equivalent of the quote amount.
result.contract_amount string The amount as formatted for the contract, typically shown with fixed decimal places.
result.plan array An array of execution plans used for placing the order, with details for each step.
result.total_volume string The total volume of the trade represented as a string.
result.plan[].exchange string The exchange being used in the step of the execution plan (e.g., "BNB").
result.plan[].exchange_id string The unique identifier for the exchange used in the step.
result.plan[].path array The path of tokens used in the swap, detailing the sequence of exchanges.
result.plan[].base_amount number The amount of the base currency for this step.
result.plan[].quote_amount number The amount of the quote currency for this step.
result.plan[].gas_amount number The amount of gas required for this step.
result.plan[].gas_unit string The unit of gas being used (e.g., "BNB").
result.plan[].percent number The percentage of the total volume allocated to this step.
result.plan[].allAmounts array An array of all amounts involved at each step in the plan.
result.plan[].tokenPathAddresses array An array of token addresses in the path of the swap.
result.plan[].slippage string The slippage percentage for this step, typically as a string.
result.plan[].volume string The volume for the transaction as a string.
result.plan[].base object An object containing base currency details, including unit and volume.
result.plan[].quote object An object containing quote currency details, including unit and volume.

place_market_orders (Place Orders)

This API is used to place market orders for a token swap, using the quotes fetched in the previous step.


  "id": "c44b40c2-b0fe-4cb5-9097-55d0873d2c86",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "place_market_orders",
  "params": {
    "orders": [
        "pair": "SOL/USDC",
        "side": "BUY",
        "volume": "0.007",
        "price": 0,
        "exchange": "dex-bnb.admin",
        "end_time": "2024-06-24T10:39:25.341Z",
        "start_time": "2024-06-24T09:39:39.484Z",
        "timezone": "Asia/Calcutta",
        "timestamp": 1719221974802,
        "params": {
          // Use the exact plan received in the quotes response as the plan for this order
          "slippage": 1,
          "plan": {
            "exchange": "BNB",
            "exchange_id": "dex-bnb.admin",
            "step_price": null,
            "step_volume": null,
            "path": [
            "base_amount": 0.1,
            "quote_amount": 0.0006374346561208406,
            "gas_amount": 0,
            "gas_unit": "BNB",
            "percent": 10,
            "allAmounts": [
            "tokenPathAddresses": [
            "slippage": "1.0000",
            "volume": "0.1000",
            "price": "0.0064",
            "unit": "USDC",
            "unit_volume": "0.1000",
            "transaction_amount": "0.1000",
            "transaction_unit": "USDC",
            "base": {
              "unit": "USDC",
              "volume": 0.1
            "quote": {
              "unit": "SOL",
              "volume": 0.0006374346561208406
            "usd_volume": "0.1000"
      // Add more orders here, each using the exact plan received from the quotes response
Name Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the request.
jsonrpc string The JSON-RPC version, typically "2.0".
method string The API method being invoked; in this case, "place_market_orders".
params object Contains the parameters for the API method.
params.orders array An array of orders to be placed.
params.orders[].pair string The trading pair for the order (e.g., "SOL/USDC").
params.orders[].side string The side of the order: "BUY" or "SELL".
params.orders[].volume string The volume of the base currency to trade as a string.
params.orders[].price number The price limit for the order; set to 0 for market orders.
params.orders[].exchange string The exchange where the order will be placed (e.g., "dex-bnb.admin").
params.orders[].end_time string The expiration time for the order in ISO 8601 format.
params.orders[].start_time string The start time for the order in ISO 8601 format.
params.orders[].timezone string The timezone in which the start and end times are specified (e.g., "Asia/Calcutta").
params.orders[].timestamp number The timestamp of when the order is being placed, in milliseconds since epoch.
params.orders[].params object Additional parameters for the order, including slippage and plan details.
params.orders[].params.slippage number Maximum allowed slippage percentage for the order.
params.orders[].params.plan object Copy-paste the exact plan received in the quotes response here.